aboutThe Israeli Palms Center was founded in 1976 at Yehud, Israel. After just 8 short years, in 1984 another Israeli Palms Center branch was established at the town of Bnaya and is still operated by the Einshpruch family today.

At the beginning we targeted only the local market and the Israeli population. As time progressed, the palms trees’ demand increased, and company success grew we expanded our market and audience overseas. Especially to the Mediterranean population; it is not by chance that we vigorously targeted the Mediterranean area. The Palm tree in characteristics and all its species is considered a tropical climate plant thus it flourishes ideally in Mediterranean climate and soil. In addition, the Palm trees symbolize that there is a nearby water source and this is why the Palm trees are considered a blessing.

In our company we offer many varied species of Palm trees that are compatible to grow in the climates of Israel and the Mediterranean. Some of these Palm tree species include, but are not limited to: Date Palm Tree (Phoenix canariensis), Coconut Palm Tree (Syagrus romanzoffiana), King Alexander Palm Tree (Archontophoenix alexandrae), Chinese Fan Palm Tree (Livistona chinensis),  decorative Palm trees,fruit bearing Palms trees, tall and short Palm trees.

We grow most of the Palm trees in orchards that are isolated. This method of isolation ensures high quality Palm trees that are easily able to be extracted from the orchard’s soil without incurring any harm and have maximal transplant success rates. This method ensures almost 100% that the Palm trees will flourish once planted in their new sites because the most critical aspect of Palm tree transplant from one landscape to another success is dependent on the harmless tree root extraction.

We have 30 years of experience and profound knowledge of the Palm Tree industry, its terrain requirements and methods of growing for transplant success. Today, our company is one of the largest within its field in Israel with orchards spanning over 130 acres that cultivate over 100,000 Palm trees in all developmental stages. Almost all species of Palm trees can be found in our center and that cater to all needs. Our client base includes many public institutions, City department of agricultures, corporate as well as private customers.