The Israeli Palm Center | Since 1976

  • א-ה: 7:30 - 13:30 ו: 9:00-12:00
  • 050-5418-097
  • 050-5254-249
  • בניה 14-18
  • המרכז הישראלי לדקלים

Fan Palms

Fan palms are characterized by round leaves or leaves that look like an open palm. They are deeply or alternatively shallowly grooved at the edges. There are two types of fan-like leaves: in the first type the prey starts from the end of the petiole, in the second type the petiole continues to the prey itself. In the fan palms the flower stalks grow from the stem. Types of fan palm – Chinese Loistonia, Australian Loistonia, Vishingtonia, Bismarckia, Shemrups.