The Israeli Palm Center | Since 1976

  • א-ה: 7:30 - 13:30 ו: 9:00-12:00
  • 050-5418-097
  • 050-5254-249
  • בניה 14-18
  • המרכז הישראלי לדקלים

Types of palms suitable for planting in Eilat

The Israeli Palm Center has a long history and experience in growing and planting a variety of palm tree varieties that are suitable in nature and properties for the desert climate of Eilat.

The climate in Eilat and the southern Negev region is a dry and extreme climate, it is characterized by a very small amount of precipitation, high temperature most of the year and high percentages of radiation. Because of this, the vegetation most suitable for the arid Eilat region are wild trees and perennial shrubs. It is very important to choose appropriate vegetation for urban gardening in Eilat, both due to the chronic lack of fresh water, an increase in the amount of moisture in certain periods and the salt vapors coming from the sea on certain days of the year.

Another thing is the extreme summer heat. The recommended vegetation is vegetation that saves water and emits less water vapor into the air that increases humidity. The palm trees that originate in the deserts of Australia and South Africa are resistant to extreme weather damage. Palms are land plants and are characterized as perennial, evergreen plants. The palm trees have deep roots so they manage to absorb the water after the initial percolation and thus save water.

South Butia palm – The South Butia capitate palm comes from the savannah and forests of South Africa, is very suitable for growing in areas of full sun and adapts to dry soil, suitable for planting in urban areas, public gardening, and in the seaside area. This is a palm tree that is very easy to grow, offering beauty and delicious edible fruit.

The foxtail palm – the foxtail palm is characterized by its special appearance like a foxtail, hence its name, it originates from the northeastern part of Australia, it is excellent for growing in areas of full sun and resistant to moderate cold, its unique appearance is considered sought after and is widely used for landscape design, it can be planted in private gardens or as part of an orchard .

The King’s Palm – The King’s Palm or as it is called the Royal Palm is a palm that originates in Cuba, Africa, it is a massive tree, with a smooth and thick trunk. Suitable for growing in full sun areas and resistant to winds and salinity, creates an artificial look in any growing environment.

Rubilini palm – a dwarf rubilini palm, small in size that originates from the tropical forests of South Asia, suitable for all soil types and sunny areas with partial shading, its dwarf appearance is perfectly suited to house yards, driveways and commercial centers

Coconut palm – The coconut palm is characterized by its spectacular appearance, it reaches a height of up to 25 meters, its trunk is gray and decorated with rings. The origin of the coconut palm is from South America, it can be grown in sandy soil and the optimal climate for it is direct sun, it is easy and convenient to maintain and plant.

Shamrups palm – is a fan palm which in recent years has become more and more in demand, mainly due to its being resistant to all types of weather and its visual advantages and its ease of growing. The palm originates in dry mountainous areas in the Mediterranean region, it is suitable for growing in bright and sunny areas, but Definitely suitable for shady areas as well, this plant excels at storing moisture which allows it to survive in drought conditions. This is a versatile and beautiful plant.